Updated Rise of Legends Demo
Microsoft has released an updated Rise of Nations: Rise of Legends demo. It includes the same content as before, as well as a new map called "Battle for the Core". Thanks Blues News.
If you get a corruption error during install you'll need to use a PAR recovery file. Info here - http://ve3d.ign.com/articles/703/703835p1.html
(my problem was not enough free space on C: for temp files)
1. First, download the demo again unless you got it sometime today.
2. Right-click My Computer, Properties, Advanced, Environment Variables.
3. Set the TEMP and TMP to a drive that has tons of free space.
4. Install the demo.
Whenever I get around to building a new puter later this year I'll be damned sure to make a C: partition with more than 5GB, which, you'd think would be enough for XP and nothing else ... except temp f'n files. -