Lord of the Rings Online Preview


GameSpot's E3 2006 pre-show impressions continue with this preview of Lord of the Rings Online, taking a look at this Turbine MMORPG.

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From The Chatty
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    April 20, 2006 6:59 PM

    Developers Turbine are behind the game, having previously developed Dungeons & Dragons Online and Asheron's Call 1 & 2.

    Place your bets! I say sometime the first half of 2008 it will be cancelled.
    After playing both Asherons Call 2 and D&D Online, I will never buy anything with Turbine on the box.

    • reply
      April 21, 2006 6:46 AM

      You're allowed to say that since you didn't play the original AC. I respect Turbine because of the route they took with DDO. They have been the underdog since day one and are one of the very few with the balls to explore the genre much deeper, unlike others who just of pump out polished EQ clones.

      AC2 was sad. The gameplay in AC was fun. PVP was amazing. Short of UO, nothing was better than AC PVP....

      "Hey guys, lets ditch AC gameplay in the sequel!"

      • reply
        April 21, 2006 10:31 AM

        Looking at the Official D&D Online forums, Turbine is in some trouble right now for sure many unhappy customers claiming the game is lacking in content and there won't be scheduled monthly updates as was first mentioned (Next update is in summer).

        Also many complaints about balance changes that aren't even part of the D&D Ruleset.

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