New Catalyst Release


The ATI website now has version 6.4 of the Catalyst drivers for Radeon videocards posted. This release fixes issues related to DOOM3, Oblivion, Maya 7, Quake 4 and Dawn of War among other products.

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From The Chatty
  • reply
    April 12, 2006 12:24 PM

    Quake 4: The game no longer fails to respond after lying dormant for approximately 10 minutes, followed by switching between the game and notepad.exe. This issue was known to occur when extended desktop was enabled on systems containing an ATI dual display graphic card.

    Wow! How do you even stumble upon a bug such as this, let alone recreate it and debug it?!

    • reply
      April 12, 2006 12:29 PM

      My guess is a level designer. If they were working on a level within the engine on a dual-display system and switched to notepad to make some notes about it, that would probably cause the issue to happen. As for recreating and debugging it - fuck knows. That's why they get paid a lot more than me.

    • reply
      April 12, 2006 12:45 PM

      It's probably much easier to find and fix than having your friendly players being rendered with the wrong (enemy) color on their avatar names, right?

      • reply
        April 12, 2006 2:24 PM

        that bug must be unfixable, its coded deep into the core of the game!

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