First Post!
Movie: That son of a bitch took my pants
They are annoying if your using it as a portable gaming device. It takes at least a couple minutes to get into Hawk Underground, Wipeout, and GripShift. It's not as bad if your sitting around the house, but if i'm doing that.. I wouldn't be using my PSP anyway. Very noticable if your used to nintendo's portable offerings.
but it is BAD. The only game I can stomach is Lumines. I'm going to buy Katamari next week.. And this will be the deak breaker for me. If this game has the same issues the others have had, I'm done with it. (getting Metroid Hunters and Tetris DS on the same day, so it should be interesting)..
I think load times is the reason why I don't play mine as much.. I can pull out the DS, and get a quick run on mario kart in with very little effort.. and if it pisses me off, I can shut it off and turn it back on if I don't feel like going through the menu..
I guess I regret the purchase from a gaming aspect, but it's a very capable movie player, with awesome emulator support. (gah! will Katamari upgrade my psp to 2.0+ ? (running 1.5 right now)-
I don't think load times are bad at all. You have to consider how much higher quality the textures/etc are on the PSP compared to the DS. Look at Burnout Legends and compare it to Mario Kart DS. Night and day in the graphics department. That's like saying Q2 loads instantly on my PC while Quake 4 takes forever. There's a reason load times are going to be higher.
I have like 10 games for the PSP and not one of them has bad load times IMO. I've seen that video for the wrestling game, but I don't have first hand knowledge of it. But SOCOM and GTA which I would expect to have the longest load times because of the vast areas you can explore aren't bad at all. I honestly expected longer load times for those 2 games.
I think it is on a portable, where an emphasizes should be placed on quick playability. I don't want to have to wait 30-40 seconds of my potential five minute ride. Nintendo recognizes this and has made a good decision sticking with cartridge based media so far.
That's the way I feel anyway. I could be way off in assuming most people also expect that. I suppose this is why I still play Tetris on my Gameboy color.
and if it pisses me off, I can shut it off and turn it back on if I don't feel like going through the menu..
Nobody told you that you can do the same with the PSP? I do this constantly with my games. All you have to do is slide the power switch up momentarily and let it go - the PSP will go into sleep/standby and will return you to the exact point you were before when you turn it back on.
I've seen a few people tout this as some great feature of the DS over the PSP, but both do it.
I saw one game on my cousin's psp, midnight club 3. the loading was absolutely goddamn ridiculous, it would load EVERYTHING, it took about 3 minutes to load the fucking menu, then about 5 minutes every time you went to race a track... and if you retried, have fun waiting another 5 minutes for it to load again. it was completely insane, if any of the other games are like that at all I would never touch one.