Battle For Middle Earth 2 Movie


Yet another Battle for Middle-Earth 2 movie is now up at FileShack, this time showing the bonus material included with the Collector's Edition. Thanks 3D Gamers.

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From The Chatty
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    February 24, 2006 9:43 AM

    Nah thanks..
    I'll probably go for the regular edition.

    I have nothing against collectors editions - in fact.. i think extra content can be good.. as long as that extra content stays 'outside the game'.

    Having different in-game content is stupid. Even though the two different versions made available will be perfectly compatible with eachother, it is pointless doing such a thing imho.

    The most obvious reason why that is stupid, is because it serves one purpose only.. frustrations for the customer. Yep thats right.. the 'loyal' customer who would like to play around with ALL the in-game content available in the universe, but one that doesn't want to (and shouldn't) pay extra for such a thing.

    Why alienate the two different customers with what really matters? (In-game content).

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