Ghost Recon 3 Q&A


Over at the official Ghost Recon website you can find a PC specific Q&A, focusing on the weapons and weapon features found in the game.

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From The Chatty
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    February 8, 2006 1:43 PM

    "Will there be the possibility to use weapons with the carried off’s shoot ? (it means the possibility to see the target thanks to a camera on the weapon and to shoot from a corner, only with the arms visible)

    We do not have this feature on PC. "


    I'm assuming this means there won't be a live-feed camera for the predator drone or teammate's viewpoint like in the 360 version either?

    If thats the case then suck my nuts redstorm, you're making me want to waste my money on a 360 thats actually no better than my current pc's hardware just because you're too lazy to code in a nice feature for your original fans...

    • reply
      February 8, 2006 1:45 PM

      or you're whoring yourself out to micro$oft with another lame "360 only exclusive feature zomgz0rz!1!!" most likely

      cause really there is no reason why the PC version can't handle the picture-in-picture crap

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