I'm O.K.: A Murder Simulator

You may recall Jack Thompson's open challenge to the games industry to produce an incredibly violent game based on a premise of his design. There have been a few attempts, but it looks like we finally have an entry that fulfils the entirety of Thompson's incredibly twisted premise. It's called "I'm O.K.," named for Thompson's protagonist Osaki Kim, and it's by a developer going by the name of Thompsonsoft. Download the game here, where you can also read Thompson's full design. The team gives him top billing in the credits, labeling him "Lead Designer" and "Inspiration."
Consisting of 3 alcoholics and a foreign exchange student, Thompsonsoft is a new game company formed around the singular idea that Jack Thompson is the most brilliant game designer in the universe. After reading "A Modest Video Game Proposal", we formed this company to create any game that Jack Thompson designed. Our first title, "I'm OK", is based on Jack's masterful design from "A Modest Video Game Proposal" and it's a murder simulator so cruel, so bloodthirsty, so horrifyingly violent that it makes Grand Theft Auto seem like Sunday Funday.

How does one explain why, in a world overflowing with disease, war, and other horrifying realities, a man would spend 18 years crusading against video games? Easy. You say that it's the most extensive, ingenious marketing campaign for a video game in the history of MAN.

The game is a sidescrolling beat 'em up, with gameplay and cutscenes styled after SNES-era games. Visually, the pixel art and animation is actually very good. Be warned: this game is pretty out there. In addition to controls for moving, jumping, and attacking, there's one for urinating. With that in mind, the sequence immediately after beating the first boss is...well, it's surreal. Probably not work safe.

In other news, hundreds of gamers recently sent Thompson a bouquet of flowers with a letter apologizing for crude threats from other gamers and requesting a reasonable and well-intentioned dialogue regarding the video game violence issue. Today, Thompson forwarded the flowers to Take-Two president Paul Eibeler, claiming that they are a form of harassment on the part of people indirectly instigated by Take-Two.

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