Battlefield 2 Patch Q&A
The guys at have posted a new Q&A with Armando Marini, asking the DICE producer about the next Battlefield 2 patch. Armando is asked for specific comments on the removal of Dolphin Diving, jumping and shooting at the same time, decreased missile payload for helicopters, and the possibility of future HUD customization among other things.
They didnt even ask about the jet rape. What a shity Q&A.
Agreed. I've seen the team-color bug come up ONCE, and that was actually yesterday on a ranked server... but it wasn't the typical bug... An enemy was in an APC and when I shot it with an anti-tank I got a "warning-team damage" message. Then when a friendly tank nearby blew it up, they didn't get a TK message.... But other than that, the last time I saw that team-color bug was in the demo.