Go Ahead and Make a Game

Can't find any games you want to play right now? There's a lot of good stuff out at the moment, so you're probably looking in the wrong places, but that's another discussion. If you know the sort of thing you do want to be playing, you could always try making your own game. Download Squad has the first part of a two-article series, "How To: Create Your Own Game Company." The article, or at least this part of it, is actually more focused on tools for prototyping and creating a game than it is about forming the actual company itself, but there are also links to useful documents regarding design and business aspects.
While it's a little cost prohibitive to start developing Xbox 360 or PS3 games from your bedroom, let's not forget games like Roller Coaster Tycoon and Alien Hominid went from humble beginnings to financially successful franchises. Although you'd have to spend hundreds of hours developing AAA titles, there are some ways to get slick games up and running quickly. I'm going to show you a few ways to do just that.

It covers a variety of game engines, from those requiring little to no programming experience to those suited to seasoned coders. There are also various graphical tools suggested. The author promises to cover the logistical aspects in the next installment, including payment methods and paths to online and offline distribution. The internet has of course no shortage of people looking for teams to make mods, but with the tools given in this article you might be able to actually prototype a design on your own so you have something to show for yourself. If that's the sort of thing you might enjoy, give this a read.

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From The Chatty
  • reply
    November 29, 2005 10:45 AM

    I wonder how much it would cost, say to come up with a game and release it via steam? I guess whatever it costs to license, and whatever they charge for using steam? Do they charge to release games via steam? Wonder what it costs that guy to make Rag Doll Kung Fu and release it?

    • reply
      November 29, 2005 11:00 AM

      I would love to know this sort of thing too, maybe I'll try and find out.

      • reply
        November 29, 2005 1:59 PM

        Very interesting question indeed.

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