On Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Delay

A while ago it was announced that Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion would not make its early December release date, with the game now expect some time early 2006. Bethesda's Pete Hines posted a message on the official forums with a very simple reason as to why the game has been delayed: it just isn't done yet.
In short, the game is coming out in early 2006 because it isn't done yet. We still have things that need to be done before the game is released. So we continue to optimize, test, balance, etc. We've already gone way beyond what we did in any game previously in playtesting and balancing this game. Way beyond. But there is work that needs to be done and so development continues to go on pretty much around the clock. We will not put out a more specific date until we are certain we will be ready then. Like system specs, we aren't fans of putting out info that changes later on and only confuses or annoys our fans.

We have a number of site updates planned between now and the game's release that we hope to do on a regular basis each week. We'll do the best we can to make it every week, but understand that sometimes PR/marketing stuff gets in the way of game development and so it has to get set aside sometimes for the good of the game (and the people making it). We'll be updating the Codex in stages, adding new concept art, screens, etc. in the coming weeks and months. We're open to doing another fan interview in the coming weeks as well to let you ask what it is you think we aren't telling you. In short, we aren't holding out on you, we just don't want to be done telling you about the game before it comes out.

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From The Chatty
  • reply
    November 6, 2005 5:27 AM

    I was hoping to play Oblivion by xmas break, but whatever.. I applaud them for not pushing out unfinished shit.

    • reply
      November 6, 2005 5:31 AM

      I rather hopefully preordered it with my Xbox360, but oh well I would prefer they spend as long as possible to get it right.

    • reply
      November 6, 2005 5:34 AM

      Yea i agree, as much as i would love to play this game. I would rather slug out another few months just to make sure they don't mess it up

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