First Post!

I have to mention one more thing about F.E.A.R. and that is that I really didn't like being an unnamed character without a voice. Monolith did a great job making you feel more like a real person as in you can see your feet and when you get knocked down you twist around and see your arms push yourself off the floor. I really love that. But then being referred to as "F.E.A.R. point man" in mission objectives and "hey" and "him" by your teammates, that just doesn't work for me. I don't subscribe to the theory of no voice being more immersive anyway. I'm not a weapons expert, I don't know martial arts, so how is having a silent main character more immersive? To me it's pretty dumb when other characters are talking to me and I don't say anything back. Well that's my little rant for the day anyway.

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