Things You Didn't Know About Civilization IV


Civilization IV is just a few weeks away, and to get you up to date on what all the game has to offer, 2K Games sends along this list of Eleven Things You Didn't Know about Sid Meier's Civilization IV (part one). This first part goes into detail on the game's interface, detail, world editor, multiplayer and sound. We also have a few new screenshots. Civilization IV will be released October 24.

Just because Civilization is more accessible than it's ever been doesn't mean the game's been dumbed down. On the contrary, for people who are crazy about stats and figures, there's a ton of that to be found in Civilization IV. There are lots of new advisor screens, where you can see where all of your units are on a global map, or look at raw statistics like the average life expectancy of your people (versus the world average), your gross national product or approval rating. But you can also completely customize how your government works, so if you want a theocracy with a free market economy, caste system and universal suffrage, you can do just that.

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From The Chatty
  • reply
    September 29, 2005 9:11 AM

    the apostrophes are borked on the frontpage

    • reply
      September 29, 2005 9:11 AM

      yeh they look lik ust because Civilization is more accessible than it’s ever been doesn’t mean the game’s been dumbed down. On the contrary, for people who are crazy about stats and figures, there’s

      • reply
        September 29, 2005 9:13 AM

        has maarten trademarked his jibberish?

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