Hellgate: London Q&A


Over at Hellgate Guru you can find the newest Hellgate: London Q&A. Bill Roper talks about the game's weapons and spells, item randomization, third person combat, difficulty, character customization, landmark locations and current status of the project.

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From The Chatty
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    September 3, 2005 10:24 AM

    So pretty much what I got from that is that they've got a bunch of stuff they'd loike to do but haven't implemented it yet. I hope this turns out good cause it looks cool.

    • reply
      September 3, 2005 4:14 PM

      Yeah, considering how early it is in development, in terms of what they want to implement gameplay wise, I'm suprised they showed it off for E3 this year, or even announced it at all.

      I'm glad they did though, gives me something to look forawrd too. This game looks like the holy grail of FPS/RPG conglomeration.

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