Game Jobs Going to India has an article that examines the burgeoning Indian game industry. In particular, they speak with Rajesh Rao, CEO of Dhruva Interactive. His company has contributed to a handful of big-name games, including Forza Motorsport, Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines, and Toca Race Driver 2. In essence, companies like his does the grunt work that the original developer doesn't want to bother with, such as modeling and texturing a huge amount of cars as Dhruva did with Forza and TOCA.
"We are acutely sensitive to the jobs issue," said Rao, 35, in an interview at a recent conference in Santa Clara. "We go in there if the people involved really want to do it with us. "Will there be jobs impacted? Yes. But is it good for the business and the industry? Yes. We see inefficiencies in the system, and we're dealing with them," he added.However, the Indian market certainly hasn't been flooded with deals as publishers are wary of communication issues when outsourcing. Also, quite a few pubs have already turned to Taiwan and China for cheap development labor. Still, if companies like Dhruva are scoring contracts from big-time publishers, it could just be a matter of time. While Rao certainly doesn't mind taking the grunt work, he doesn't believe he'll be making an entire game for an American audience. "We'd be at a disadvantage," he said. "It's hard to imagine a game like Redneck Rampage being done by an Indian team."
As a designer/animator, i'm kinda bummed to hear this as the games industry was something I'd always imagined being able to fall back on if I ever got tired of broadcast....oh well.