I admit it, I'm FPS-tired. Quake 4, Doom 7, Pariah, Call of Duty 3, Brothers in Arms 2, Saving Private Ryan, Prey, whatever. STALKER? Meh. Too late. DNF? I've forgotten what it was about. Something with strippers I think. I've gotten to the point where only two FPS games remotely interest me - the recently announced Alan Wake because the setting of the supposed story looks like it could be genuinely different from the bulk of the WW2 or Doom-style shooters (New screenshots on the www.alanwake.com!) and Elder Scrolls IV, because it looks to be one of the few decent FPS-RPG titles in development. Too much bloom though! You know what I want? Sim City 5.
PS. Be sure to check out the shacknews E3 moblog, where the three stooges post shocking news about spit and sushi!