Yo, it's me. Bet you thought I've been in jail for that sheep thing, eh? Nope, I was cleared. Or sheared. Holy crap, did you guys see all the news? Me neither. One thing i did see was Galaxy Quest. For all you Star Wars/Star Trek nuts who don't take yourself too seriously, go dig this movie. It was pretty cool. Tim Allen is still weak, but it had that guy from Stark Raving Mad (no not Doogie) and he was pretty cool. He acted pretty stoned the whole movie. And he got it on with an alien. The credits did have two notable absences - the star of the movie, Sigourney Weaver's left mammary gland, and it's co-star, the right one. How old is she? 84? Anyhow, she's still a hottie. Oh yeah, is it just me or is it just weird that Russia's new president/dictator/head monkey's last name is pronounced "pootin" ? I can see the journalistic community's collective guffaw every time they get to say "Vladamir Vladamirovich Putin" (smirk). This is the best thing since the John and Lorena Bobbit story that let them say "penis" approximately 132 times per broudcast. For about 6 months. One more thing, here's obligatory "news" so this post looks legit: Name fun! The Game Name Builder has a new release! 1.82! Woo! It supports: Quake, QuakeWorld, Quake II, Hexen II, HexenWorld, NetStorm, and any other game which uses ASCII characters. Now featuring Quake III Arena and Q3A Demo support! Holy cow! Note to authors of stuff that doesn't usually get posted: Release something on a slow news day. That's your in guys, use it!
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