Gearbox Seeks COGS Level Designers


The Contractors of Gearbox page has been updated, as the Brothers in Arms developer is looking for additional level designers to join the program. You would work with Gearbox developers to prototype and develop content for future Gearbox Software games. More info on the C.O.G.S. program can be found here.

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From The Chatty
  • reply
    March 16, 2005 4:49 PM

    So anyone doing this?

    What are the chances of me becoming one of these cool guys?

    • reply
      March 16, 2005 5:18 PM

      I know a couple of former modders who made it through the ranks over at Gearbox and now are full time employees. I was all over this a couple of months ago, but Randy Pitchford confirmed me the COGS program only applies for US citizens so that counts me out. If you live on the states, by all means go for it.

      I am personally waiting out till they open an actual job opening (outside the COGS program) so that they will at least consider hiring someone from overseas.

      • reply
        March 16, 2005 5:57 PM

        There are other companies that make games dude.....

        • reply
          March 16, 2005 6:40 PM

          Definitively, and that's a relief, but it's such a shame cause that COGS program they have going on there is truly one of a kind.

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            March 17, 2005 4:11 AM

            They're the only people who openly state it. I'm sure there are other developers that will entertain taking on contract staff (though unfortunately the only ones I can point you to are in the UK).

    • reply
      March 16, 2005 5:38 PM

      no, AFAIK they only consider ppl who live in or near the area. I'm not moving to Texas just to get a temp/contract job.

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