Black & White 2 Q&A
Over at the Lionhead Times you can find a Q&A with Ron Millar, who is the lead designer of Black & White 2. Millar talks about his start in the industry, getting a job at Lionhead, thoughts on the first game, his vision for the sequel, working with Peter Molyneux and the sequel's best feature.
My favorite part of the first one was being able to zoom in on a barrel and see an apple, then zoom all the way out and see the whole world.
I like the idea that you can have the villagers organize and form an army. Hopefully the AI is improved enough that I won't have to micromanage every single aspect of their lives. Frank Millar says that the villagers will have little lives to live, and will tend to go to work automatically. So hopefully there won't be the audible "villagers need food" reminder when there are plenty of grain fields with no workers in them. In B&W1, having me place them there so they can begin work was madness. The absence of veteran villagers who lead was a mistake, because the villagers are always needing to be told what to do next. Maybe this time they can 'decide' to do tasks.