Battle For Middle Earth Patch


EA has issued the first Battle For Middle-Earth patches, updating last year's Lord of the Rings strategy game to v1.01. The 17mb update fixes bugs, offers some balancing changes and adds three new multiplayer maps.

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From The Chatty
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    February 3, 2005 6:13 AM

    - Drummer Troll now recharges health when it reaches level 2
    - The damage radius for the Mordor Catapult's skull upgrade has been increased
    - Ents now take more damage from slash and pierce attacks


    I expected much more than this...

    Where are the fixes for:
    Fire Arrows - INSANE damage to any unit AND buildings
    Cave Trolls - Crazy Damage and HP (Even when dieing they kill units)
    Evil "Heroes" - Add more please...Good heroes dominate in MP
    The Witch King - He goes down like a bitch to fire arrows along with the rest of the Nazgul
    Elven Archers - Fully upgraded they are unstoppable. Both ranged and melee powerhouses
    Gandalf and Aragorn - Overpowered. You can spend command points to make them even more powerful.

    I could go on and on. Multiplayer right now is in a sorry state because of needed balancing. I'll install this when I get home and see if some of the fixes are in there, but not listed in the readme. Slim chance, but maybe.

    • reply
      February 3, 2005 8:53 AM

      According to EA's Community Manager for BfME, all of the balancing issues are going to be addressed in patch 1.02 (apparently). This initial patch was mainly to fix bugs and counter cheats.

    • reply
      February 4, 2005 4:20 AM

      Needs more evil heroes to make it more interesting. Shelob needs to be added to Mordors roster, why did they not do this, if they have Gollumn on there? The witch lord does go down like a big girl when it's attacked by fire arrows yes.

      The evil heroes are pansies in general.
      Saruman should be more of a Gandalf heavy hitter.

      Perhaps tone down fire arrrows, with respect to trolls, buildings and heroes, but it's a nice feature having trolls kill everything in close proximity when they die. It would be too bland for they to just keel over and die. There are alot of 'inst kill' things in this game, which sets it apart from other rts games. I like cavelry charges, trolls laying waste to massed ranks of troops, heroes laying the smackdown to masses of units etc, these could all be considered too powerful, but they make for some great moments in the game, and as this all there things happen in the films, I have no complaint really.

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