Battlefield 2 Q&A
Total Battlefield 2 has an English language translation of a recent Swedish language Battlefield 2 Q&A. DICE's Lars Gustavsson answers questions about helicopter controls, game engine, sea combat, and damage system among a few other things.
Hmmm...Not a lot of interesting information here. It stills sounds a lot like Desert Combat.
Seriously tho, the videos that I've seen look really good. I'm only a little concerned about the sounds of the gunfire not being very loud but that could just be crappy quality in the video.
That dual use AA gun with the radar looks totally awesome and the commander feature has peaked my interest to play God on the battlefield.-
The gun sounds at a distance are definitely far better. If you check out the short first person clip on fileshack the distant sounds are far better than bfv or bf1942, that was one thing I always hated, was hard to tell which direction you were being shot from because you couldn't hear the guns past 50 yards or whatever.