Late Night Consoling
Sony and nVidia teaming up for the PS3 was a surprise of an announcement, but was it entirely unexpected? Shacker and CNN editorialist Chris Morris hinted at the collaboration over a year ago. Providing the graphics chip for Microsoft's Xbox was big business for nVidia and ever since they had a falling out over chip prices (Microsoft wasn't happy paying the same price per chip despite falling production costs), nVidia obviously wanted to find a new friend (15 to 20% of nVidia's revenue came from the Xbox). Who better to look to than the current console king? Microsoft has learned from that blunder and will now fabricate the ATi-based chip themselves and pay a fee to ATi. Sony will do the same with nVidia.
![]() | Winning Eleven 8 on Xbox 100% Confirmed, No Online Mode While Konami's official line was multiple consoles and the PC, it was no secret that Winning Eleven 8 would find itself on the Xbox along with the PS2 version; especially since it has already been released in Europe on the Xbox under the name Pro Evolution Soccer 4. Oddly enough, the North American release will not be Xbox Live compatible like its European sister. Star defender Eddie Pope will grace the cover as the game ships sometime in the spring. |
![]() | Rayman DS Pushed into 2005 With its release set for just a week from today, Ubisoft has announced the platformer is being pushed back into March of 2005. It will now be released alongside the European version sometime before the close of the fiscal year (March 31, 2005). The move was made to make sure it was of the highest quality. |
![]() | Poor Loading Times for the PSP? International game retailer Lik-Sang were one of the lucky few to get their hands on a PSP through a Sony-sanctioned auction and they have posted their impressions here. The most striking bit were the numbers behind the load times. For example, with Ridge Racers, it takes 16 seconds from the system being powered off to the Namco title screen. When you select a car, it's 14 seconds to the start of the race. Hot Shots Golf fares no better; 19 seconds from character selection to start. Are these hard numbers or is it errors with the pre-release copies? We'll know more next week. |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | New Releases This Week Need a new game? Plenty to choose from! PlayStation 2: Growlanser Generations, Battle Assault 3 featuring Gundam Seed, Kuon, Mega Man X8, and Viewtiful Joe 2. GameCube: Mario Party 6. Xbox: Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords. Nintendo DS: Ping Pals, Ridge Racer DS, and Sprung. Game Boy Advance: Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories. |
Misc. Media/Previews | |
![]() | GameSpot hosts the latest official movie for Shadow of Rome and two new screens for Cold Winter. The Magic Box shares new shots of Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening. GameSpy shares images of Gran Turismo 4. IGN gives their take on the port of Full Spectrum Warrior. |
![]() | Gameplay footage of Oddworld Stranger's Wrath is at GameSpot. IGN has "movie mania" going on at their site for MechAssault 2: Lone Wolf. |
![]() | 1up is the latest site to host impressions of Resident Evil 4. IGN updates with even more movies of the same game. |
![]() ![]() | The Magic Box has a handful of images of Ridge Racers (PSP). IGN hosts screens of Zoo Keeper (NDS) and previews Pokemon Dash (NDS). |
![]() ![]() ![]() | At FileShack, we have a new trailer for Midnight Club 3: DUB Edition (PS2, Xbox). Game Informer got their hands on some digital pigskin in this look of NFL Street 2 (PS2, Xbox, GCN). GameSpot has some of the first details for Fight Night Round 2 (PS2, Xbox, GCN). IGN tells us the latest on Virtua Quest: The Nexus (PS2, GCN). |
Why don't people simply understand?
The PSP will be a dismal failure for Sony.-
It would be great to play the game without having to worry about it dying on me with its pathetic battery life and now these load times.
So, i'll be up to the last level in MGS, and just as its about to show me some sony beauty, the screen goes blank and it'll be out of juice because it can't throw the konami cinematic it was taking 30 seconds to load.
Great piece of hardware!-
One: 4-6 hours of battery life isn't that bad. That's nearly as much as an iPod while doing far more of a workload. You can also replace the chargable battery with another one. And if you don't pay attention to the "low battery" light, it's your fault for not paying attention, not saving, and generally being a dumb end user.
Two: Had you read the Lik-Sang article, it mentions that the load times are likely a result of the games tested being pre-release software. In other words, not finished. Beta. Incomplete. Partially ready. Not final. Do you understand the concept being passed on here? In fact, one of the four (only four!) games tested had a 20 second loading time from boot to the menu screen, and ABSOLUTELY NO MORE LOADING TIMES AFTERWARDS.
I love competition. Can't wait to get the black DS, which will hopefully have a firmware fix, and then snatch up the PSP. FF3 and Makai Wars, here I come.-
Well, that 4-6 hours of battery life is on a low light setting, no speaker, wireless etc. And the last thing I wasnt to do is carry a bunch of extra shit around. I was excited about the PSP, but as time went on, I felt like Sony was going the way of the Game Gear. I ended up buying a DS and I stand by my purchase. And uhm, beta code or not, load times are high, a lot of the other auction ppl have been saying that. The UMD drive isn't fast... big surprise.
I don't know where he got the $179 from, but it launched in Japan at a little under $200.
"The base system, model number PSP-1000, will retail for 19,800 yen (20,790 yen with tax -- at current US exchange rates, that's approx. $185-190) and will include the system, AC adapter and battery pack."
PSP uses Memory Stick Pro Duo, which comes in up to 2GB amounts from Sony and at least Sandisk. I'm sure there are a couple of other manufacturers making Memory Sticks. -- here's a photograph of Sony's 1GB Memory Stick. -