Irrational Games Q&A


Over at Experience Gaming you can find a Q&A with Ken Levine, General Manager and Creative Director at Irrational Studios (System Shock 2, Freedom Force). Ken answers questions about the company's past, present and future plans.

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From The Chatty
  • reply
    July 12, 2004 6:57 AM

    Killer design doc for SS3?


    Yes please!

    • reply
      July 12, 2004 8:35 AM

      Aaaaaaaaaah self-fund SS3 for Pete's sake!!

      Who in hell owns the license anyway? EA?

      • reply
        July 12, 2004 8:44 AM

        I remember reading a thread about this in TTLG, apparently the license is mired by complications of a legal nature.

      • reply
        July 12, 2004 8:57 AM

        oh, it's some ridiculous crap like, EA owns publishing rights because the published the original back when Looking Glass was an independent studio, but Eidos owns the actual property, since they bought looking glass at some point after that.

        so basically, the only way you'll see a SS3 is if EA buys Eidos, or vice versa, or they can agree to split profits, or one of them dies and the other snaps up the property.

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