
Steve and Maarten are still at E3. Poor guys. It's the closest thing to a vacation they get the entire year, and even now they have to work their butts off. It must suck to be them. Sigh, I guess it was inevitable with shackers taking all the good jobs. Really, it's not a surprise they end up with a deadend job like running a website.

Anyway, I prepared a little rant about actresses including Majel Barett, Chasey Lain and Uma Thurman but something else came up.

Call me weird, but I like to sleep at night. So what is it with my upstairs neighbour and her unhealthy obsession with vacuum cleaning. At night. WTF?! Now, the vacuum cleaning I can handle. But after that she likes to practice tapdancing. Why!?! And when she finally leaves the building, that guy in the lawnmower shows up ...... yes, good morning shack!

Hello, Meet Lola