Toddh On Demo Test
I accidentally went to Stomped and noticed that id's Todd Hollenshead updated his .plan about the distribution of the demo test demo thing that should be released tonight, probably at midnight CST or so (1.16 hours from now).
Demo Test notes: As Graeme indicated, this is a preliminary release. We are retaining the prohibition on physical media distribution until we release the final or "gold" demo. That means that magazines will NOT be allowed to distribute this version of the demo on coverdisks. This is marked all over the test, however I would appreciate it if all of the Quake 3 and game site webmasters that are mirroring or covering the release would lend me a hand and make sure our friendly neighborhood game and computer magazines understand this. Rest assured, we will allow physical media distribution of the final demo, once it is released, but not yet. Second, although the 1-800-idgames number is on the screen, we (id) aren't accepting orders yet. Also, please remember that number is not for technical support for Quake III Arena, the demo test, or any other id game. Feedback, bugs, etc., in the demo test should still be sent to Finally, before the crazy speculation starts, we aren't done with the game yet. We will be finished "when it's done!" Again, anyone besides id claiming to have the official release date is just pulling your chain. Enjoy!
From The Chatty
pretty close to first!! (for how many people are hammering this shit)