Halo Hands-On


PC.IGN had the opportunity to play some more Halo and impressions are now up. New screenshots are included.

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From The Chatty
  • reply
    July 15, 2003 7:54 AM

    is it just me or do the graphics in all those new screenies look really crap!?

    • reply
      July 15, 2003 7:58 AM


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        July 15, 2003 10:01 AM

        The screenshots are low rez thats all. Graphicaly, Halo still looks awsome on Xbox every time I play it and it can only look better on PC!

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        July 15, 2003 10:25 AM

        Then why do they repeatedly take shots like this? Everything we have seen has been like this. Either they've stupidly managed to take low-res, options-disabled shots every single time, or something is quite wrong in Haloville. Irregardless, I'm not all that excited for console table-scraps.

        • reply
          July 15, 2003 10:27 AM


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            July 15, 2003 10:38 AM

            Remember in the movie Good Will Hunting that guy who reads the preface of a book then claims to know everything about it? http://www.worldwidewords.org/qa/qa-irr1.htm You're that guy. How's about them apples?

            What did I say that made me close-minded? I said why I didn't like the idea of HaloPC and everything we've heard about it so far. Please don't get mad at me just because you fawn over something like it loves you back :(

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              July 15, 2003 10:44 AM

              "it’s still generally regarded by people with an informed opinion on the matter as unacceptable."

              What apples? It's basically telling us its not a real word, but that its still used as slong. So technically YOU are wrong, not him.

              Second, You've been trolling all up and down the shack about Halo PC being worthless. Your bitter, we understand, just let it go. THREE MILLION console users disagree with all your statements, I guess they must all be wrong, because your word is the word of jesus christ himself.

              • reply
                July 15, 2003 10:53 AM

                You didn't read the whole article. :( You too are the book-preface guy.

                Language resides in the intangible recesses of our mind and manifests when we talk right? There are certain laws which create proper or improper english, but fundamentally, the proof is in the pudding. The definitive end by which a word lives or dies is it's utility and usage.

                People use irregardless. They have for a century. There are hundreds of similar words. Language flows and adapts. If you want to be stuffy and pretentious, you can do so, but people will wonder why you're so uptight and punitive over something everyone else does.

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              July 15, 2003 10:54 AM

              You think i know about your life because I read Oliver Twist? Does that encapsulate you?

              great movie.

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            July 15, 2003 11:20 AM

            What is it then if it's not console table scraps? Bungie's/Microsoft's sudden realisation about PC market potential?

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              July 15, 2003 11:26 AM


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                July 15, 2003 11:42 AM

                Well, because Halo wasn't on PC. Halo was undercooked because it was on Xbox. Halo is coming over from Xbox now, and it's console table scraps to PC users accustomed to quality.


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                  July 15, 2003 12:07 PM

                  thats the most ignorant full of shit statement I have ever heard!. PC gamers used to quality? Are we living in the same world here? I'm a hardcore GAMER, that means I don't discriminate against a single platform because I can't afford it, or don't own it. Thousands of PC games come out per year, maybe 10 of those are good. So we're talking 1% (And i'm overshooting by A LOT, personally i've bought 2 pc games in the last year that were worth my money) quality here? hrmmm.

                  Secondly Halo was not undercooked, that's just blind fanboy-ism (if that even exists for computer users). Unless you were on the core of the Halo development team since the first day, you would have NO idea if it was undercooked or not. Your just making wild speculation about how amazing Halo might have been if it had come out on PC first, whose to say it wouldn't have turned into complete crap?

                  The bottom line is that Halo is an amazing game. Three Million people so far (plus millions who havent bought it, but have tried it and loved it) agree. Yes theres going to be a handful of bitter zealots, and guess what. Hundreds of thousands of PC gamers are STILL going to be buying halo and enjoying the hell out of it. So in the end only you yourself will be losing out.

                  Of course you'll tell us that you don't care because its crap and blah blah, yes yes we know.

                • reply
                  July 15, 2003 12:18 PM

                  100% ignorant pretty much what jackass says.

                  How can you say we PC gamers are so used to quality? Hello how many broken games are needing a patch after they hit store shelves? How many sub par FPS does the PC get every few months?

                  All platforms have there up's and downs. I like my PC and can't wait for Half Life2 like everyone else, but damnit I also enjoy a great round of MM3 on xbox that is simply FUN sittin on the couch with a controller and flawless voice chat. Or Zelda, Metroid on my GC. And guess what? They're not underquality by any means.

        • reply
          July 15, 2003 11:18 AM

          I agree. Not even remotely interested in halo any more.

        • reply
          July 15, 2003 4:20 PM

          A little bit smack talk results results in a complete thread hijack.


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