Splash Damage's DOOM 3 Project


There's a job listing on the Splash Damage website, mentioning that this London (England) based game developer is looking to hire a graphics programmer for a Doom 3 engine project. Splash Damage is the company behind the recently released Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory, and is now another developer confirmed to be working with the Doom 3 engine. There are no details on the game itself.

From The Chatty
  • reply
    June 18, 2003 2:14 PM

    hmmm....a multiplayer game maybe?

    • reply
      June 18, 2003 2:14 PM

      not a hard bet since they got q3f and Enemy territory under the belt :)

      • reply
        June 18, 2003 2:56 PM

        Whoa, they're the q3f guys...wait now I remember that they did that...whoa having just made that connection now my respect for them (which was already not bad at all) has just gone up a bit.

        They'd (damn phone call knocked me off...reconnecting) be a good choice to do the DOOM3 multiplayer pack IMHO (assuming server client stuff is added).

        • reply
          June 18, 2003 3:48 PM

          Yeah weird that Q3F didn't get mentioned in the post on the main page... Everyone loves Q3F. Or at least everyone respects it. Don't know many who played it very often (including myself... cough), which is sad.

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