Chaser Demo Shots
The Adrenaline Vault has posted up several screenshots from the Chaser multiplayer demo, which should be out later this week.
MP looks okay, but I hope it's better than the SP demo was.
You sound too positive!
Why be like that?
Here, let me take the lead in the "Im-a-virgin-with-no-life-so-I'll-critisize-something-I-couldnt-even-begin-to-create-because-I-have-no-talent-beyond-flippin-burgers" contest!
HARHHAR, ThIS LoOKs GAY D)00DS! CS luuuklsBettar THaN THIS POs!! ICAN MAke
BEDDAR ma-ps thAN thIS WhIle JeRRkiNG Uff (Which I do a lot) IM Not GUNa Tri THis
BeCAUSr tHis GUy in IRc Told Me he Luved ME and HE WORKS THERE!!!
HALFLIfe2 Is GunAN RULE D00dZ!!!!!!!!!^%#%!# -