Late Night Consoling

How much of a dork am I? Well, the highlight of my day was discovering this page, which offers MIDI files of classic Sega game soundtracks, including some from Zillion, which may very well be my favorite soundtrack of all time. Of course, that may be due to the fact that during the very long course of the game I had that "maze" tune drilled into my head so many times that it's been permanently inscribed on my brain. But whatever the reason, I am sitting here listening to that great, great music...and I can't tell you how nerdy I feel saying that about a freakin' MIDI file. Now I just need to convince Gaming FM to add this to their library and I'll be set. Anything to keep that song from Sonic Arcade from playing again.

PS2 RTX Red Rock Gold
LucasArts has announced on their official RTX Red Rock site that the game has gone gold and will be available in stores in the near future. Also new on the site are some new screenshots.
GameCube PS2
Mace Griffin Interview
The second part of GameSpot's Mace Griffin: Bounty Hunter video interview is now available. It's available in a free streaming version, provided you sign up for a basic account. A downloadable version is available for subscribers.
GameCube GameCube Meet GameSpy
Here's some potentially good news for GameCube gamers frustrated with the lack of online this Q&A with GameSpy's Jon Epstein, it is revealed that they are working with Nintendo to be a full online middleware provider. Whether or not any developers will actually use these tools remains to be seen, although Jon says that the first game to ship with GameSpy support may be out in the third quarter of this year. Thanks Games Are Fun for the tip.
PS2 Castlevania: Lament of Innocence Interview
Computer and Video Games has conducted a Q&A with Koji Igarashi, the producer of Konami's upcoming Castlevania: Lament of Innocence, the series' debut on the PS2, and the first attempt at a 3D Castlevania since the N64 days.
Xbox Midtown Madness Online Preview
GameSpot has posted their hands-on impressions playing Microsoft's Midtown Madness 3 online, based on their experience connecting to a Microsoft test server.
PS2 Virtual On Marz Preview
Also new at GameSpot tonight is a new preview of Virtual On Marz, Sega's new robot-fighting action, which unlike Vectorman doesn't totally suck.
NeoGeo - thanks Sur3aL! SNK Reborn
Playmore subsidiary Sun Amusement announced today that they are changing their name to SNK Neo Geo, Ltd., a name which should make any fanboys out there giddy.
PS2 PS2 Finally Going Online in Europe
Congratulations to European PS2 owners, as on June 11th, you'll be able to pick up a PS2 network adapter and get cracking online. The adapter will sell for £24.99 by itself or as a bundle with Twisted Metal Black: Online for £39.99, and SOCOM will also be available at launch.
PS2 No Online Gaming in Winning Eleven 7
Let the flaming begin...IGN has revealed that while there is online "support" in Winning Eleven 7, true online gaming will not be available. Instead you'll be able to download game content updates.
GameCube Your Name in MGS: TTS
If you've always wanted to get your neck snapped in a video game, now is your chance...Konami has opened up the "Dog tag" section of their official Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes site, allowing people to throw their name into a pot for the chance to have your name on one of the many dog tags that can be picked up from various characters. Note that if you were in one of the previous games they did this for, you are ineligible.
GameCube PS2
Xbox GameBoy Advance

Misc. Media/Previews
Nintendo sent out some early copies of Advance Wars 2, and so GameSpot has some new screenshots and IGN has some new movies from the game. Also at GameSpot are new shots from the GameCube, PS2 and Xbox versions of SSX 3, and elsewhere at IGN are new screenshots and a movie from The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King for GBA and a brief preview of Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines. And if you're a patient person, Namco has posted a trailer from Breakdown on their Japanese-language site for the game (thanks

Console Game of the Evening: Guardian Heroes for the Sega Saturn. "Frantic action, tonnes of levels, nice art, good story/stories, and ordering around a huge golden undead guy. Great fun, especially during co-op play." (submitted by Sacred Sperm).
From The Chatty
  • reply
    June 3, 2003 8:01 PM

    ah thank god something to read instead of working

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