Further SWAT 4 Delay


SWAT fansite 10-David is reporting about an additional delay for Vivendi's upcoming SWAT 4: Urban Justice. The game was originally supposed to be released during the second half of 2002 but was delayed until 2003. While we're only a few months into 2003, the game has now already been delayed into 2004. The 10-David news post offers some more information as well as speculation on why the game continues to be delayed.

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From The Chatty
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    March 4, 2003 5:18 PM

    I just hope they reassess what they're doing now. They were going in a shitty CS-like Swat game that a lot of the original team hate. I remember an interview with an guy who left there and pretty much thought their original concept went to hell due to the newbie era. It's a shame too, i thought SWAT3 was ingenious in it's single player replayability. I hope they follow the same path.

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