Late Night Consoling

So I started Xenosaga last night. I'm only an hour in, so I haven't even scratched the surface of this game, but I do like what I've seen so far. One thing that's very obvious is that this is a game that moves at an absolute crawl. Not in the sense that it has a chunkified framerate, but rather meaning that it takes its time and has no qualms about stretching things out reeeeeally long. I don't really have a problem with that, except for when conversations seem to take extra-specially long because of the awkward pauses in-between spoken phrases. I never used the Xenogears speed-reading hack, but I understood why people turned to that (it's said to cut down gameplay time by at least ten hours). Here it may be a different story. I'm patient, but only up to a point. Still, I'm willing to tough this one out if the rewards prove worthwhile, and by all accounts they are.

GameCube No Mario Kart Online
Don't kill the messenger here kids, I swear, I'm as upset as the rest of you...while promoting Zelda: The Wind Waker in Japan, Shigeru Miyamoto said that while Nintendo has "been conducting online experiments with Mario Kart for quite some time," it would be "very difficult to pull off." He continues, saying ""Nintendo is still at a point where we don't currently see online games as a business model being successful, so I don't think you can expect to see any serious look at online games at E3." Ouch. He also confirmed that new Donkey Kong and Pokemon Stadium games will be shown at E3.
PS2 FFX-2 Preview, North American Release Date
A new preview of Final Fantasy X-2is up at PS2.IGN tonight, which is naturally loaded with details (including some spoilers for Final Fantasy X). Of particular note here is the November date for the North American release.
GameCube GameBoy Advance Mother, Mother, Mother
After years in exile, the Mother series could be coming back in a big way...unconfirmed reports have surfaced suggesting that Mother 1 + 2 are being remade for GBA (Mother 2 was released here as Earthbound for the SNES), while Mother 3, originally planned as a 64DD title, may be reborn for GameCube.
GameCube F-Zero Bonus Disc?
According to IGN, in an interview that's sadly for subscribers-only, Nintendo is considering an F-Zero bonus disk similar to the Zelda disk that's currently available. This would presumably include the stock N64 F-Zero, along with its 64DD add-on that was seen by so few (like Ura-Zelda/Master Quest).


Capcom Fighting All-Stars Not Dead?
Is it dead or not? GameSpot says this 3D fighting game, which would have combined characters from all of Capcom's older games, is actually still in production for the PS2-based System 246 arcade unit.
GameCube PS2
Ghouls n' Ghosts Online Official
There aren't any more details available yet, but Capcom has officially announced Ghouls n' Ghosts Online, which will use the Terazona Network Engine for its online gameplay. Insert joke about its difficulty here.
GameBoy Advance PSOne Final Fantasy III Still Coming for WonderSwan
Yeah, the system might be dead, but Square is still set on releasing Final Fantasy III for the WonderSwan Color. With any luck, this will get ported to the PSOne as FF I & II did.
GameCube PS2
Xbox GameBoy Advance
GameSpy @ DICE
GameSpy has posted some notable content from the DICE show out in Las Vegas. Specifically there's a report from the Miyamoto roundtable, Xbox co-creator Seamus Blackley on what's wrong with the developer/publisher relationship, and an interview with Yu Suzuki and Shigeru Miyamoto.
PS2 Xbox X-Files Interview
Computer and Video Games has posted an interview with Benjamin Borth, the producer of The X-Files: Resist or Serve. There's not a whole lot new here, but he covers all the bases, touching on how they're keeping it in the spirit of the show, the novelty of having the real actors, and so on.
GameCube Xbox
GameBoy Advance
Misc. Media
GameSpot has new shots from Zelda: The Wind Waker, Golden Sun: The Lost Age (GBA) and X2: Wolverine's Revenge (Xbox). And over at Pocket.IGN you can find new shots and movies from the North American version of Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire.

Console Game of the Evening: Still haven't had a chance to work on the reader-submitted system for this...I think I'll get on that now.
From The Chatty
  • reply
    March 3, 2003 8:00 PM


    • reply
      March 3, 2003 8:04 PM

      Hey - didja know Nintendo is very susceptible to public pressure? Look at the number of titles they've only released becauise of petitions (like Super Smash Bros. on N64), and consumer demand (like the two recent Metroid titles).

      Let's get on their ass! Surely there's an experienced online developer out there willing to take on an online racing game!

      • reply
        March 3, 2003 8:07 PM

        I don't know, I don't think this is one of those debatable things... it didn't work with The Wind Waker.

        • reply
          March 3, 2003 8:11 PM

          well that was different - they showed off a game 70% into development and decided to stick to their guns regarding its new look and feel. This is a matter of whether or not they think there's sufficient demand to figure out ways around the latency issues involved in a Mario Kart Online game, plus it would involve them starting an online network of some sort.

          • reply
            March 3, 2003 8:13 PM

            Maybe... it's certainly worth a try. Mario Kart for the Cube may already be fairly far along by now, too, though.

            • reply
              March 3, 2003 8:29 PM

              well lessie - you would have to send vectors of speed and direction for every racer in the game, possibly with coordinate information as well, changing these values every time anyone change directions, not to mention having to send across the information for every taunt, attack, etc. This would all of course not only require a broadband connection (pissing off all the people who bought dial-up adapters for GameCube), but it would require all persons involved to have good connections as well.

              Look at the severe issues (some) people are having with Capcom vs. SNK 2 on Xbox Live - and that's with two people playing a game. As much as FPS games may be perfect for online play, other types of games may not be.

              But hey, what do I know?

              • reply
                March 3, 2003 8:31 PM

                but it works online for PC games... and seems to work well. there's plenty of multiplayer PC racing games out there

    • reply
      March 3, 2003 8:14 PM


    • reply
      March 3, 2003 8:40 PM

      Dude, by the time they actually get this game finished, let alone multiplayer, it will probably only a year til their next-gen system will be coming out. Kind of makes you wonder.

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