Return of the BEER - Bulletted Early Evening Reading! Things you did not know about BEER are:
If a young Tiriki man offers beer to a woman and she spits some of it into his mouth, they are engaged to be married.
Among the Bagonda people of Uganda, the several widows of a recently deceased king have the distinctive honor of drinking the beer in which his entrails have been cleaned.
The Chagga people of Tanganyika believe that a liar will be poisoned if he or she consumes beer mixed with the blood of a recently sacrificed goat.
It's illegal to sit on any street curb in St. Louis, Missouri, and drink beer from a bucket.
And in related news:
French fries, potato chips, and reading the shack can cause cancer! (But cancer is the least of your problems when you eat peppersteaks like this.)
If you have to eat fast food then pizza might be a healthier choice.
A rabbit chasing your mousepointer. Old, but pretty funny.
And last but not least, in the category 'small and useful applications', one of my personal favorites - StrokeIt. (Opera style mouse gesturing for every app.)