Late Night Consoling


So what's the new Zelda game unveiled by the Japanese magazine Dengeki? According to a couple of sources, it's a director's cut of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, which includes the never-released add-on Ura Zelda (made for the failed 64DD), enhanced graphics (plus an option to switch to the original), a making of movie, and more. This is great news if it's true, but nobody seems to be reporting about the mysterious Mario game that Dengeki was also supposed to be revealing. If it's a similar package for Super Mario 64, I'd be thrilled.

Console Game of the Evening: Yar's Revenge for the Atari 2600. It's difficult to describe for those who weren't around during this era, but the box art for this, and many other games released around the same time, actually set the tone of the game itself, and I think this is probably the best example (at least on the 2600 anyway).

From The Chatty
Hello, Meet Lola