Late Night Consoling


It seems like every analyst on the planet is getting on the Xbox-bashing bandwagon...the latest such story ran on Reuters today, and it says that Microsoft may have sold as little as 300,000 Xbox units in North America in the first quarter of the year. As I've pointed out before, this is largely due to the post holiday season slowdown in the industry, but it doesn't change the fact that Microsoft won't make their estimates for Xbox sales for the fiscal year ending in June. Indeed, today's Reuters story quotes one analyst who speculates that Microsoft will "fall significantly short" of the target of 4.5 to 6 million Xbox systems sold by June. As usual, I can only tell people to wait for E3, and then this year's holiday season to really see how the Xbox story plays out. Now is not the time to declare the system dead.

  • Gaming Age has a great interview online with Working Designs' Vic Ireland this evening. Vic mentions that they have no less than three titles already underway, and that they may bring a future Arc the Lad title over here, but not the online one that was recently announced. He also says they will not be bringing the Game Boy Advance port of Lunar: Silver Star Story to the US, and he even gets in a little slam on the Xbox, calling it "an also-ran".
  • Looks like the rumors are true: Tecmo's bringing Rygar back for the Playstation 2. The first shots are up at tonight.
  • GameSpot has posted what they say are separate previews of Terminator: Dawn of Fate for the PS2 and Xbox, although they seem to be virtually identical. Another preview of the game can be found over at PS2.IGN.
  • XenGamers has translated a brief Q&A with Konami's Koji Igarashi, who talks about the future of the Castlevania franchise.
  • If you don't mind squinting, Cube.IGN has posted the first two screenshots from Resident Evil 0.
  • The Collective has found a publisher for Wrath, their upcoming arena fighting game...and what do you's none other than LucasArts, who already is working with The Collective on an upcoming Indiana Jones game.
Console Game of the Evening: Tomb Raider for the PSOne and Sega Saturn (among others). Knock the series if you will, but the first game (and arguably the second as well) was pretty groundbreaking. And fun, to boot.

From The Chatty
Hello, Meet Lola