Sunday Night ShackReviews


Yep, it's a Sunday night, so here's another batch of new games that have been added to the ShackReviews database. This week we've got a brand new Diablo-style RPG, a classic FPS from Looking Glass Studios, a game that used to have an Ozzy Osbourne license, and Pandemic Studios' take on Army Men:

I mentioned last week that I was really curious about Heroes of Might and Magic IV, despite having missed the third one entirely. I remain curious about that one, but the comments posted convinced me to run out and get Heroes III Complete instead. I picked up the Mac version, as I've been looking for a great strategy game to play on my new iBook. I've only played it a bit, but already my love of the first two games is coming back again...I imagine it's only a matter of time before I pick up the fourth one for my PC.

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