Late Night Consoling


So good news for Giants fans...PlanetMoon has signed with LucasArts for their next title (see story at PMC). No platforms are named specifically, but my guess is that it will appear for certain on one or two of the new console systems, with a PC version likely as well. While I wouldn't go so far as to say that Giants felt like a LucasArts game, the quirky (and genuinely funny) sense of humor hearkened back to some of LucasArts' best games, so this is a perfect match.

Console Game of the Evening (continuing Sports Games for the Non-Sports Fan week): Tennis for the Atari 2600. Laugh if you will, but this game rocked. I still have a copy of Activision's catalog for the game, which advertises that the, "action's so real, the ball's even got a shadow."

From The Chatty
Hello, Meet Lola