Well, this certainly has been a day full of ups and downs. Nothing really interesting out there right now, so we'll just fast-forward to the stuff you've been waiting for the whole day - BEER! (The original, bulleted version - not the barely fake.)
Drinking, gambling and karaoke is good for you!. A hong kong teenager scored all A's in his exams after his mother encouraged him to drink, gamble and sing. Another girl that took the same test apparantly couldn't handle the stress and lept to her death. She passed. Away, that is.
technical virgins (NWS) is a site that educates teens about the choices they have in life. Be sure to check out the movies.
Various funnay pictures of normal places with abnormal names: here, here and here.
A flash version of the classic "Romeo et Juliette", adapted for 31337 poepel liek us.
You want a cool crapper? Some English company is developing a seat that analyzes your poo, and in case of emergency - emails the doctor. The quote of the day: "Why shouldn't toilets be linked to the internet?"
A pretty cool and pretty technical article about traffic jams. They've got animations, simulations, and even theorize about you making a real difference on the highway!
This one is pretty old, but since it's useful information I'll just post it. It's a site with instructions for women on how to pee standing up. Everything that helps our women to experience the immense joy of pissing against a tree instead of under it is a good thing(tm).
Want to buy a foot? Here is your chance! An injured guy is going to chop off his foot with a home-made guillotine. And you can watch it, online - if you cough up the cash.
Thanks to the contributors: freak!, jboogedy, targetboy, gegtik and Gladiator. Thanks fsck for the spellingcheck.