OpFlashpoint Addon
As promised, the first Operation Flashpoint addons has been released by Codemasters. There are 2 new single player, 4 new multiplayer maps, a new weapon and 3 new units. Thanks Alex.
this article = passed up?
anyone that has not tried this game, or been able to get a copy of the eruo version (USA due 9.2001). IMHO this game is the funnest LANPARTY game ever. nothing beats drinving into town in tank and blowing everything from buildings to other tanks away. only to have a friend in a COBRA cripple your tank so you a forced to go it on foot until another friend in a HND (Soviet Heli) picks your ass up so you can take some sweet revenge on said COBRA pilot. they only grip, and this is pre 1.10 update, is the net code at times was choppy on a switched 100MBit lan ... but with the new patch that seems to be taken care of. add my new Geforce 3 with its quinton terontino Anti-Aliasing and the game just looks beautiful.