3D Spotlight & the Asus V-6600
3D Spotlight has snagged everybody some info on Asus' upcoming NV10 graphics board (I'm refusing to call it "GeForce 256, that name is dumb). It will apparently come in two different flavors:
1. AGP-V6600: GeForce256TM, 32MB SDRAM, VGA. 2. AGP-V6600 Deluxe: GeForce256TM, 64MB SDRAM, VGA, TV-out, Video-in, VR 3D glasses. Also, ASUS said that the ASUS AGP-V6600 will differ with other GeForce256 cards, but the info won't be released yet since it's their "secrete weapon"... overclocking with special cooling is what appears on my mind right now, but who knows, we will just have to wait.
From The Chatty
1st guy to post, feel good i guess