CL's GeForce256: Annihilator

1 attended Creative Labs' Scandinavian press event and has brought back a report on the new 3DBlaster, based off of NVidia's GeForce256, called the "Annihilator". They go into detail on various subjects, including why such a low clock-rate (of 120MHz) compared to the 183MHz cards we have today. And how will it run Quake?

"Quake3, 1600x1200 32bpp, highest detail setting. 30FPS?" We expected (and wanted) a quick YES but that was not the case. In fact they said that is has "most probably not going to happen" but quickly added that performance would indeed increase with final drivers and final silicon. So you won't be able to run Quake3 at 1600x1200 resolution, but who cares anyway? They reported that Carmack was working on adding an additional notch to the "detail lever" for GeForce256 owners to enjoy. (*drool* ;) Quake2 was also under discussion, and here the GeForce256 did much better. Creative reported that they had Quake2 running at 170FPS in 1024x768 16bpp and no AA. Pretty damn impressive.

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From The Chatty
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    September 9, 1999 2:45 PM

    Well, since Creative GFX cards are mostly sub-par in performance, lets see what Diamond, Canopus and Guilemont can do, eh ? ;-)

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