Published , by Sam Chandler
Published , by Sam Chandler
Monsters are split into different groups in Monster Hunter Wilds and one powerful category is the apex predator. These are the top of the food chain, which is important to know given that hunting them is required for one of the game’s Achievements. However, the game doesn’t tell you what apex predators are, but we will!
Apex predators are the ultimate monster in each region. There are four such monsters and you will fight them throughout the campaign but more noticeably as the final boss of an area:
Players that are chasing the Achievement, Top of the Food Chain, will need to hunt 50 of these monsters. You can either slay them or capture them, whichever one you prefer. However, the best way to do this is to repeat the Assignments via Alma, as these are all low rank and relatively easy. Only attempt the High Rank versions if you don’t mind the added challenge or if you need gear.
These are just the apex predators that were included with the base version of Monster Hunter Wilds. This list might expand as Capcom continues supporting the game post-release. There might be new monsters added in free updates, events, or even expansions. Check back with us regularly to see how this list grows.