Where to find the three Daisho and the chest in Osaka Castle - Assassin's Creed Shadows

Published , by Aidan O'Brien

The Castles in Assassin's Creed Shadows present interesting challenges. You can venture into enemy territory in search of all manner of weapons, armor, and resources, but each one will be protected by warriors called Daisho. In Osaka Castle, there are three of them that you will need to take out in order to clear the castle and get your rewards.

Where to find the three Daisho and the chest in Osaka Castle - Assassin's Creed Shadows

The Osaka Castel Daisho locations in Assassin's Creed Shadows
Source: Shacknews

There will be three Daisho wandering around the grounds of Osaka Castle. These guys are pretty tough enemies, but the good news is that you should be able to assassinate them if you can get the drop on them from above. 

The first can be found wandering the construction area to the southeast of the castle, and this is easy to access by using the tree that hangs out over the water from the eastern shore. Stay high, and use your Eagle Vision and scanning ability to tag all the enemies. The Daisho will have a helmet symbol over their heads, and will be easy to track because of that.

The second is in the opposite corner and is once again wandering around on patrol. Get somewhere high and scan, but be careful as this area has some sneaky archers in odd places, so keep an eye out for them if you go too high up the walls. 

The third Daisho wanders around the main pagoda itself and has a very wide patrol path. If you stay near the pagoda, he will eventually come to you. Once you have them all taken out, climb to the top floor of the pagoda, where you will find an ornate red chest. When you open it, the castle will be complete. 

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