Sony has sold over 74.9 million PlayStation 5 consoles since release

Published , by Sam Chandler

Sony’s third quarter for its 2024 fiscal year has concluded and the company has released its results. The reports paint an impressive picture for the PlayStation 5, with the popular console selling more in its third quarter than it has in any previous quarter.

Sony released its Q3 2024 earnings report late in the evening of February 12, 2025. Within the Supplemental Information document, Sony recorded that PlayStation 5 sales reached 9.5 million for the quarter, 1.3 million year-over-year compared to Q3 2023. Sony’s Q2 FY24 had seen the PS5 sell 3.8 million units, so this is quite a large increase.

Chart showing the sales figures of the PS5 across two fiscal years split into four quarters

Source: Sony

The quarter’s PlayStation 5 sales have now raised the console’s lifetime sales to 74.9 million units. Interestingly, this increase in unit sales in the third quarter seems to be a pattern for Sony and its PlayStation 5. This is likely due to the holiday shopping period:

And here are the yearly PS5 sales for each of Sony’s fiscal years:

Sony has since released the PS5 Pro, an upgraded console without a disc drive. With Nintendo set to release the Nintendo Switch 2 this year, eyes will be looking toward Sony to see whether another console is also in the company’s future. The PlayStation 5 is now approaching its five year anniversary and these new consoles tend to happen every seven years or so.

Be sure to check out our Sony page for more information regarding the company’s performance, consoles, and video games.