How to make money in Arena Breakout: Infinite

Published , by Timo Reinecke

Money makes the world go round. And while Arena Breakout: Infinite offers you ways to buy the in-game currency, Koen is fairly easy to grind by just doing a couple of raids. In this guide, we’ll teach you everything about making money and what you need to look out for when looting.

Extraction shooter economics

Shows players in Arena Breakout: Infinite going after the contents of a safe.
Just make sure to split the loot after.
Source: Morefun Studio

As we mentioned in our loadout guide, you want to spend less money than you're making. While big guns and great equipment will help you survive, especially on the more dangerous maps, you’re also more likely to lose it. So as a rule of thumb, at least until you’re sitting on a stash full of backup gear, never spend more than 100,000 Koen on a full set of gear.

You need to consider the risk-reward factor. While maps like Armory and the TV Station have some of the best loot, they also attract players with better gear and are swarming with AI that can ruin your day if you aren’t careful. You could make a great profit every 5 raids, but you want to make a decent profit from every raid. So if you’re playing solo, Farm and Valley are great maps to frequent.

Looting 101

Shows players in Arena Breakout: Infinite holding a corridor.
Grab the loot and get out.
Source: Morefun Studio

So what do you loot? Everything you can get your greedy fingers on. Good for you that Arena Breakout: Infinite will show you what an item is worth by hovering over it, this makes it easy to sort your loot for the highest profit since you want to get the most out of every square of inventory available. But since you’ll sell most of it on the player-supplied market, try to go for items that sell quickly. Rare consumables, keys, military gear, equipment, and good ammunition are all in high demand and easy to come by.

If you check your map, you will see a bunch of named locations that usually have suitcases, boxes, jackets, filing cabinets, and more scattered around the place. A red pulsing circle around them will indicate that it is a hotspot with lots of loot and even more enemies. If you spawn close to these, head towards them as fast as possible. Stuff your pockets and get out unless you’re looking for a fight. You should also try and loot as many bodies as possible, every AI goon has the chance to have something valuable in their pockets and some of the sights and scopes on their weapons sell for a pretty Koen.

Best Loot Spots

Think of all the loot you could find here...
Source: Morefun Games

And to send you off happy, here are a few spots that are always worth checking on Valley and Farm.

Farm - Villa

The Villa is a must stop if you spawn on the eastern side of the map.
Source: Morefun Studio

Even if you don’t have the key to the master bedroom, checking the Villa is always worth it, especially when you spawn on the eastern side of the map. Here you’ll find a couple of military boxes, jackets, and surface spawns that always have something worth picking up.

Farm - Motel

The motel has the best loot on the Farm map.
Source: Morefun Studio

It doesn’t need an introduction, it's the farm map. No matter where you’re coming from or when you enter the motel, it's always worth checking. Be it having first pick at all the juicy weapon crates and PCs or sifting through the leftovers of someone's desperate fight for survival.

Farm - Grain Trade Center

I had to kill 4 players after getting this screenshot.
Source: Morefun Studio

While not a hot zone on the map, the Grain Trade Center is both a PvP paradise on Lockdown Zone Difficulty and bursting with high-value loot. If you spawn on the western side of the map, you have to get there as soon as possible. Even without the key, the top floor is full of decent loot, and it's a great place to get the drop on unsuspecting players.

Valley - Beachhead Positions

There is good loot scattered around these encampments.
Source: Morefun Studio

If you spawn on the western side of the map, Beachhead Positions should be your first destination. Here you’ll find a bunch of military weapons crates and the chance of rare attachments spawning on tables. Be quick while looting here, you are fairly exposed and there is barely cover in case a squad rolls up on you.

Valley - Beach Villa

Don't worry, it's supposed to look like a warzone.
Source: Morefun Studio

The main attraction of the Valley for a reason, it's full of all kinds of loot and swarming with enemies and even a potential boss spawn. We recommend checking the northern and southern complex safes and jackets before trying your luck with the locked rooms in the main building. Just be wary, there's always someone where you least expect them.

Valley - Noan Courtyard

Hard not to feel like a criminal walking out with pockets full of spoons and cereal.
Source: Morefun Studio

If you’re spawning anywhere on the eastern side of the map, you’ll want to head here. The RV Camp and the Church on top of the mountain are full of valuables and fairly spread out making it easy to defend if someone decides to roll up on you. You find a bunch of weapons crates, some jackets, and valuables here.

And that's all you need to know about loot in Arena Breakout: Infinite. For more guides, check out our guide to healing or how to fix the game's performance issues.