Pokemon Sleep can now be paired with smartwatches

Published , by Ozzie Mejia

Pokemon Sleep has been one of the more interesting endeavors from The Pokemon Company in recent years. However, on the surface, it's a little curious to look at a smartphone app and wonder how it measures a person's sleeping patterns. The Pokemon Company is now addressing this by expanding Pokemon Sleep to a person's smartwatch via a new update.

According to the Pokemon Sleep website, the following devices are compatible with the Pokemon sleep-measuring game:

Pokemon Sleep will work in conjunction with Apple Health on iOS and Health Connect on Android to measure a user's sleep data. The Pokemon Sleep website has step-by-step instructions for pairing the app with a user's Apple Watch or Android-powered device. To successfully use the app, sleep sessions must be at least 90 minutes long and users can only track two sleep sessions per day. Simply wear the smartwatch to sleep and let the app do its thing. Users who own the Pokemon GO Plus peripheral can also take some bonus steps to ensure everything is synced up.

Source: The Pokemon Company

With more than $100 million USD in revenue recorded, Pokemon Sleep certainly isn't hurting for cash. Still, there's always more money to be made and opening itself up to the smartwatch market expands the app's reach significantly. We'll try not to sleep on any further stories, so keep it on Shacknews for the latest updates.