How to destroy helicopters - Delta Force

Published , by Sam Chandler

There’s no denying it: Helicopters in Delta Force are extremely powerful. These steel birds of the air can rain down some intense hellfire, maneuver out of combat with ease, and even fire off flares that disrupt anti-aircraft weaponries. For anyone on the ground, dealing with and eventually destroying an enemy helicopter is a top priority.

How to destroy helicopters

There are a handful of ways to destroy helicopters in Delta Force. While some of these methods are available to all players, a couple of options are limited to specific classes. For this reason, it’s a good idea to consider the best class for your squad when launching in with friends.

Source: Shacknews

Firstly, the Engineer class has access to a few rocket launchers that are specifically designed to take down enemy armor, including aircraft:

The Stringer Launcher is going to be the first choice for a lot of players. In order to use it, the helicopter must be in-range. Aim-down sights at the chopper, wait for the yellow circle to turn red, and then you’ll be locked on. At this point, you can shoot to release the homing rocket.

When a helicopter is close enough, you will be able to lock on with the Stinger Launcher.
Source: Shacknews

However, and this is a big one, the helicopter pilot will be alerted that an enemy has locked on to their vehicle and may deploy countermeasure flares. If this happens, it will break the lock on and you will need to wait to re-establish the lock. During this time, the aircraft may retreat to wait for their own cooldowns.

There are also several other ways to take down aircraft, but these can be more difficult. There are anti-aircraft cannons on the ground, though they may require assistance with an additional gunner or even a Recon using the Laser Indicator.

The LAV-AA is another anti-aircraft option, but it won't always be available.
Source: Shacknews

There’s also the LAV-AA vehicle, which is specifically designed to take down enemy aircraft. You might also use a tank, but unless you can lock on, it’ll be down to your level of skill with hitting a moving target.

Destroying a helicopter in Delta Force will take a lot of effort and potentially a coordinated strike by your squad. However, it is important this occurs, as a good chopper pilot can decimate an enemy team. Take a look at our Delta Force page for more help.