Fortunate Star god roll - Destiny 2

Published , by Rise of Bacon

Solstice has arrived again for another year and Guardians are scrambling to grab hold of Destiny 2’s newest Bow. Fortunate Star’s PvE and PvP god rolls do everything a bow needs to be a great addition to a Guardian’s loadout.

How to get Fortunate Star

Fortunate Star is awarded as a random drop from the completion of the Bonfire Bash activity. You can receive multiple copies of Fortunate Star as a reward. Solstice is a limited-time event, so Guardians have from the August 6 until Weekly Reset on August 27 to grab their god rolls.

PvE - Fortunate Star god roll

PvE is where Bows shine and this god roll leans into the Void element to make an exceptional weapon.

Fortunate Star god roll - PvE
Bowstring Agile Bowstring (Stability +5, Handling +15)
Arrow Compact Arrow Shaft (Reload Speed +10, Handling +10)
Perk 1 Repulsor Brace (Kills against Void debuffed enemies grant a 45 HP Void overshield for eight seconds)
Perk 2 Destabilizing Rounds (Weapon kills apply Volatile to enemies in a 6.5-meter radius around the target. three-second cooldown after activation)
Origin Trait Veist Stinger (Hits have a chance to activate Veist Stinger for seven seconds, granting the following bonuses: Refills 25 percent of Magazine from reserves on activation. Decreases Aim Down Sights (ADS) Movement Speed penalty by 10 percent. Grants 15 percent decreased Draw Time to Bows.)
Masterwork Draw Time (+10 when fully masterworked)
Mod Freehand Grip (Decreases hip-fire Accuracy Cone size by 30 percent and grants a 0.95x ready animation duration multiplier)

Start with Agile Bowstring to keep this god roll feeling snappy with the added Stability making follow-up shots easy to keep on target. Match that with Compact Arrow Shaft, giving an essential boost to Reload Speed, ensuring arrows are ready to go quickly after every shot.

Source: D2Foundry

Repulsor Brace and Destabilizing Rounds are a perfect combination, with kills applying Volatile to surrounding enemies and when these debuffed targets go down an overshield is granted to the user. When these perks are rolling, Guardians can feel near invincible when slaying out in almost any activity while using this god roll.

PvP - Fortunate Star god roll

This PvP god roll gets the best out of this bow and when mastered can be a menace for enemy teams to handle.

Fortunate Star god roll - PvP
Bowstring Polymer String (Accuracy +5, Draw Time -36)
Arrow Compact Arrow Shaft (Reload Speed +10, Handling +10)
Perk 1 Hip-Fire Grip (while hip firing: Stability +25, Aim Assist +15, 2.7 degree larger precision aim angle, Accuracy Cone size -15 percent, increased Aim Assist falloff distance +20 percent, increased damage falloff distance +20 percent)
Perk 2 Disruption Break (On elemental, barrier, or Guardian shield break: weakens the enemy, increasing Kinetic damage dealt by 50 percent for 5.5 seconds. Stacks with all other debuffs)
Origin Trait Veist Stinger (Hits have a chance to activate Veist Stinger for seven seconds, granting the following bonuses: Refills 25 percent of Magazine from reserves on activation. Decreases Aim Down Sights (ADS) Movement Speed penalty by 10 percent. Grants 15 percent decreased Draw Time to Bows.
Masterwork Draw Time (+10 when fully masterworked)
Mod Freehand Grip (Decreases hip-fire Accuracy Cone size by 30 percent and grants a 0.95x ready animation duration multiplier)

Pick this up with Polymer String for its must-have increase in Draw Time and Accuracy, ensuring shots can be released at full potency faster and with deadly accuracy. Then move to Compact Arrow Shaft for the extra Reload Speed, this makes arrows ready faster after every shot which can be the difference-maker during a tough duel.

Source: D2Foundry

For the main perks, go for Hip-Fire Grip in the first slot. This provides some top-tier boosts when firing from the hip ensuring arrows are sticky. This small difference can be a duel-winner when fighting in close quarters. Finish off with Disruption Break, this gives a large debuff to the enemy when breaking their shield. This can then be taken advantage of by yourself or the team's Kinetic weapons, dealing massive damage with any landed shots.

A worthy mention goes out to Kill Clip which can be lethal on a Bow. This is another strong choice to take over Disruption Break if the focus is on purely slaying teams.

Fortunate Star’s PvP and PvE god rolls are worthy additions to the Solstice loot chase and this Bow is a strong contender for best weapon of the event. To follow the Solstice event and any upcoming Destiny 2 news, check out the Guardian essential Shacknews Destiny 2 complete strategy guide.