How to unlock Hackclaw - Delta Force

Published , by Sam Chandler

Hackclaw is another Operator players can unlock in Delta Force. This Operator is one of the Recon classes, which excels at gathering information. In order to get Hackclaw, you’ll need to participate in a specific event which is updated every so often.

Last updated: January 9, 2025 at 9:54 p.m. PT

How to unlock Hackclaw

Hackclaw can be unlocked through the Operator Hackclaw event which is available from December 5, 2024 to January 18, 2025. After this event is over, she will either be available through another event or players will need to wait a while before she becomes available.

The Operator Hackclaw event can be found under the Normal Event tab in Events (accessed by clicking the event tab or pressing F6). She requires 500 G.T.I. tokens, which are earned by completing associated tasks (like surviving for specific amount of time in an Operation). The tasks refresh, so check in each day to earn more. You will also earn other rewards along the track as you work towards unlocking her.

Hackclaw is available through an aptly named event. Earn 500 of the event tokens and she's yours!
Source: Shacknews

During the beta periods, Hackclaw was available through the Ahsarah Bazaar event. This was a limited-time event, ending on September 24, 2024, where players can earn Ahsarah Gold Coins and use said currency to purchase this silent Operator.

Source: Shacknews

To locate the Ahsarah Bazaar event and unlock Hackclaw, navigate to the Events page. You can do this by hitting F6 or by clicking the tab on the bottom of the screen. From here, go to the Normal tab and select Ahsarah Bazaar.

Source: Shacknews

This Ahsarah Bazaar page will have a manila folder labeled “Top Secret” and a rifle. Click the rifle to see all of the unlocks you can purchase using the Ahsarah Gold Coins. As you can see, you need 200 coins to unlock Hackclaw. Click the folder to see the tasks you must complete. These objectives are split between the Tactical Turmoil and Havoc Warfare mode.

Once you’ve completed the requirements, click the reward and claim it. Keep doing the objectives until enough of theevent tokens are in your pockets, and then go ahead and unlock Hackclaw. With this Operator unlocked, you’ll just need to unlock Vyron and a few others before you've got all available Operators. Take a look at our Delta Force page for more help.