How to complete the Love Isle Challenge in BitLife

Published , by Aidan O'Brien

Summer is here, which means it's time for some romantic challenges in the popular free-to-play mobile life simulator, BitLife. This week brings a five-step challenge called Love Isle, and thankfully, some of these steps are easier to complete than others and don't all involve relying on some good old-fashioned luck. Here's how to get romantic before the weather shifts and kills the passion.

How to complete the Love Isle Challenge in BitLife

The five steps to the Love Isle challenge are as follows:

Only hook up with partners who have 50+ Looks

This is honestly the most important one, as a mistake here can kill the challenge and undo all your hard work. When looking for someone to spend some time with, you can go into the Activities tab on the bottom right of the screen, select Love, and then Hook Up. Pay close attention to the Looks bar, and if it is any less than halfway across the screen, don't hook up with that person, or it will cause the challenge to fail. Err on the side of caution here, as it is not hard to spam these dates and get more prospective partners.

Be born in Aruba

This one is easy but will require you to start a brand new life for this challenge. When setting up your character, make sure you select Aruba as your country, and Oranjestad is the only city option, so you can default to that or add your own custom one if you wish. And that's it, a straightforward step to complete. 

Hook up with ten or more people before the age of 30

To complete this, you will want to start spamming Hook Ups when you turn 18 via the Activities tab. It's actually not hard to get them, but for this particular challenge, you cannot hook up with someone below 50 in looks, or it will ruin the run for you because you will fail the other challenge. If you check the Hook Ups option and the person there has less than 50 looks, cancel it by selecting the "No, I am not into that" option, and then try again. It will load a new person for you, and you can keep doing that until you get the looks rating you need.

Undergo plastic surgery three or more times

Source: Shacknews

This one isn't usually so hard to do. Go to the Activities menu and pick Plastic Surgery. You will get a range of options to choose from, and you don't need to get any particular type of procedure done for this challenge; even a bit of Botox will count. The good thing about Botox is that it is pretty cheap to do, so you won't need to have a particularly successful life to be able to afford it three times. However, you might need to wait until you are out of college and working before you pay for it. It is also much safer than the other procedures, which can badly affect your character's health if they go wrong. The thing to watch out for here is to ensure your doctor has a good reputation for doing the procedure.

Develop a gambling addiction

This is probably the most challenging part, as it will take some consistency in your behavior over a few years to do. Once again, visit the Activities menu and then select the Casino option. You might get an option for multiple casinos, so choose any of them and then play some games like Blackjack. It doesn't matter if you win or lose, although winning is always better for your wallet. The trick to developing a gambling addiction is to ensure that you visit the casino often, at least a couple of times in between each birthday. After a while, the game will acknowledge that you have been gambling a lot, and your character will develop an addiction. 

And that's it. Once this final step is complete, the Love Isle challenge will be over, and you can get back to simulating the life that you want.