E4 Remake: Monster Hunter Now's developers on how they decide which monsters get the cut

Published , by Sam Chandler

We here at Shacknews absolutely love the Monster Hunter series, so it made sense that we’d want to get some Monster Hunter into our E4 Remake celebration of video games. As part of the Summer of Doing Our Jobs, we got to speak with the Monster Hunter Now developers about what it takes to get the monsters into the game and how you even begin to decide what to include.

There are more than 21 monsters for players to hunt in Monster Hunter Now, with several of them being iconic to the franchise. Players can hunt down the likes of the Deviljho, the mighty Diablos, even Kushala Daora, and the always-terrifying Anjanath. But for every monster in the game, there are also some that don’t make it. How does the developer work out what makes the cut? Tune in to find out.

Make sure you check out the Monster Hunter Now website for more information. We have heaps more news hot off the press as part of our Shacknews E4 Remake and the Summer of Doing Our Jobs. Stay dialed in so you do not miss a thing!