Lost Signal god roll - Destiny 2

Published , by Rise of Bacon

Following the conclusion of The Final Shape campaign, Echoes began and became the first entry into Destiny 2’s Episodes with a different take on how Bungie delivers content. Echoes has delivered new and exciting weaponry and Lost Signal ticks those boxes. Coming in as a Legendary Witherhoard with a Stasis flavor, Lost Signal has plenty of Guardians excited and these PvE and PvP god rolls show exactly why.

How to get Lost Signal

Lost Signal is a guaranteed reward from the Season Pass track for reaching Rank 20. Once obtained, Lost Signal can be focused at Failsafe, the seasonal vendor for Echoes. Lost Signal can also be crafted at The Enclave once you’ve received five with Deepsight Resonance. Lost Signal is also a potential reward for the successful completion of the seasonal activity, Breach Executable.

PvE - Lost Signal god roll

Lost Signal shares the same frame as the fan favorite Exotic Witherhoard except with a twist. Lost Signal fires four powerful rounds rather than just one making for an exciting prospect explored in this PvE god roll.

Lost Signal god roll - PvE
Barrel Quick Launch (Velocity +10, Handing +15)
Magazine High-Velocity Rounds (Velocity +10, Reload +10)
Perk 1 Auto-Loading Holster (Refills stowed weapon from reserves after 2.5 seconds of stowing it)
Perk 2 Vorpal Weapon (Deals increased damage against Minibosses, Bosses, and Vehicles, as well as Guardians in their super ability. Damage Increase by ammo type: Special Weapons: 15 percent)
Origin Trait Radiolaria Transposer (Rapid final blows cause targets to explode into a pool of radiolarian fluid)
Masterwork Handling (+10 when fully masterworked)
Mod Quick Access Sling (Decreases ready and stow animation by 10 percent)

Start this god roll off with Quick Launch, giving this Grenade Launcher boosts to key stats in Velocity, to ensure its grenades hit the target quickly, and Handling, which helps quickly swapping in and out to fire Lost Signal at enemies. Add High-Velocity Rounds to increase the speed the fired grenades get from barrel to target.

Lost Signal god roll PVE

Source: D2Foundry

The main perk combination is where Lost Signal shines and works perfectly for controlling areas causing big amounts of damage to enemies who run into its pools or from sticking a direct hit. The damage combination starts with the key perk, Auto-Loading Holster. Firing then stowing Lost Signal will reload after 2.5 seconds, the point here is to fire Lost Signal at the target then switch to another weapon to deal some damage then switch back. Due to how Lost Signal operates, the damage ticks away from its shots so it’s constantly doing damage while the Fireteam hits it with another weapon. Then when switching back, Lost Signal is ready to go again.

Vorpal Weapon then comes in for this god roll for its 15 percent damage increase to higher-ranking combatants. This extra damage makes Lost Signal a great choice for taking on even the toughest challenges as it will consistently do tick damage when landing hits and then reload itself awaiting its next volley.

PvP - Lost Signal god roll

Lost Signal is not the type of weapon commonly seen in The Crucible but this god roll provides great opportunities for area control and can do some solid work against opposing teams.

Lost Signal god roll - PvP
Barrel Quick Launch (Velocity +10, Handing +15)
Magazine High-Velocity Rounds (Velocity +10, Reload +10)
Perk 1 Quickdraw (Switching to the weapon grants 100 Ready/Stow Handling and a 0.95x ready animation duration multiplier for one second. Buff is removed as soon as Aim Down Sights (ADS) input is pressed)
Perk 2 Demolitionist (Weapon kills grant 10 percent grenade ability energy. Throwing a grenade refills this weapon from reserves)
Origin Trait Radiolaria Transposer (Rapid final blows cause targets to explode into a pool of radiolarian fluid)
Masterwork Velocity or Handling (+10 when fully masterworked)
Mod Radar Booster (Maximum Radar Distance is increased by eight meters)

Start with Quick Launch which gives bonuses to essential stats in Velocity, to ensure its shots hit the target quickly, and Handling, increasing its ready and stow speed. These are critical as Lost Signal only carries one shot at a time so can be swapped in and out quickly when in battle. Add High-Velocity Rounds to the Magazine to further push Velocity, giving enemies very little time to react at the speed Lost Signal’s rounds will be coming in.

Source: D2Foundry

The main perks here are built to get volleys out faster and adding a quick combination which can cause havoc in zone control modes. Quickdraw ensures Lost Signal will be ready to go almost immediately when switching it in and Demolitionist reloads the weapon when throwing a grenade. This combination guarantees two shots can be fired very quickly with the grenade being a bonus causing more trouble for the enemy team. Any kills with this god roll then refund grenade energy thanks to Demolitionist's main function.

Lost Signal is a unique Legendary weapon and these god rolls will soon be filling Guardian loadouts everywhere potentially replacing the top-tier Witherhoard. To follow all the developments unfolding in The Final Shape, check out the Guardian-essential Shacknews Destiny 2 complete strategy guide.